Lainer Library
Accredited by the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Lainer Library promotes General and Jewish literacy through its curriculum and through its vast collection of over 6,000 volumes, with extensive titles in both Hebrew and English. All members of our community are welcome to use The Lainer Library and its ever-growing parenting book collection.
Students from ECC to 5th grade visit the library weekly. We offer many programs throughout the year. In “Talking Books,” books are dramatized for students of the ECC to celebrate Pesach and Hanukkah. Parents, teachers, musicians, and rabbis have participated in these plays. Our “Library Intern” program for 5th graders meets weekly during lunch to assist with Library tasks. Through our “Meet the Author” program, we have hosted acclaimed authors including Tad Hiils, Barney Saltzberg, David Adler, Lincoln Peirce, Henry Winkler, Laura Milhander, and Richard Michelson (Winner of The Sydney Taylor Award, 2019).
“Friends of The Lainer Library” is a branch of the Parent Association. Our Library VP arranges parent volunteers to help out in the library and raise funds to purchase books and for our programs.