Parent Association
The PA’s mission is to support and enrich the student’s experiences in the school, to facilitate communication among the parents, the school and the Synagogue, and to advance the goals of the school. All parents or legal guardians of students at Pressman Academy are members of the Parent Association. Dues are built into the tuition agreement.
The PA chairs are volunteers who are committed to serve our school community. The PA encourages all parents to get involved in the multitude of activities it sponsors. Parents should feel free to contact any and all PA volunteers when they have questions or concerns regarding any PA issue. Questions regarding the school’s academic program should be addressed with the school’s professionals.
How to Get Involved
- Room Parent. Act as a year-long liaison communicating important information between your child’s teacher, the Parent Association (PA), the school, and parents. Attend PA meetings and serve as the eyes and ears of the PA to help address parent concerns.
- Lainer Library Volunteer. Work with the librarian to enhance the services and operation of our school library. Responsibilities include displaying items, managing bulletin boards, shelving books, and assisting with the Book Fair and Book Share.
- Hanukkah Boutique . Work with our dynamic team of business savvy parents on this annual event that brings together vendors at a one-stop shop for all your Hanukkah needs. And a portion of the proceeds goes back to our school!
- Hesed Committee. Help reach out to families within our school who are experiencing the joys and difficulties of various life-cycle events. Help is needed to make phone calls and activate a circle of caring that includes assistance with meals, carpools, play dates, etc., during a family’s time of need.
- Social Action Committee. Facilitate acts of community service for students and families to help those in need.
- Welcome Committee. Help activate a support system for new families. This committee plans back-to- school parties and activates various networks within each class to make new families feel welcome and involved in our vibrant community.
- Party Book. This is a way to throw social events throughout the year that benefit both our school community and raise money for the Parent Association. This is how it works:
- Families offer to sponsor (host) a party. Sponsorship (host) duties include paying for the event, finding a place to hold the event, and taking care of all details and payments related to the event (host families can use their sponsorship as a tax deductible donation to Pressman Academy).
- Pressman families pay to attend the event(s) and the money paid to attend the party goes directly to the Parent Association (host families do not recoup the costs of hosting the events).
- You may get involved either by offering to host a party (all ideas are welcome), or by attending a party (a fun way to socialize with your friends, meet new ones, and raise money for our school).
**Other important ways to volunteer are by serving on the committees for Hot Lunch, Pizza, Treasury, Speaker Series, among others. We also invite parents to suggest new ideas and opportunities! If you would like to volunteer in a way that was not mentioned in any of the above choices, please let us know. We can meet to discuss a volunteer opportunity that you will enjoy!